Case Study: A Manufacturer with regional head office in Singapore and operations in different countries in South East Asia has not set and review its transfer pricing policies.
As a result, has mispricing issues in different countries. Its subsidiary located in Malaysia is earning excessive profits due to
mispricing on purchases from different countries including Singapore. The mispricing occurred during three years and it increased the
Multinational Group tax bill.
How can the company do things different to fix mispricing issues?
Mistakes in pricing will roll over from year to year. It is crucial to identify mispricing as soon as possible to better manage the
transfer pricing risk.
We are a Tier 2 transfer pricing firm that partners with multinational firms, applying our experience and expertise in transfer pricing
to provide, prepare, document and assist in defending your international related party transactions.
We'd love to chat further. Please get in touch to discuss how Transfer Pricing Solutions Asia can partner with you.
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