Transfer Pricing Methods Explained – The CUP method
Home • Insights • Transfer Pricing Methods Explained – The CUP method
Home • Insights • Transfer Pricing Methods Explained – The CUP method
This article is a series of article that aims to provide a background on transfer pricing methods.
In the previous article we articulated the differences between transactional and traditional methods while in this
article we talk about the Comparable Uncontrolled Price method (or known as the ‘CUP” method) in detail.
Our purpose is to make a difference in the service we provide to our clients by being practical, proactive and cost-effective.
The Introduction to Transfer Pricing workshop is designed to arm participants with an understanding of transfer pricing as well as transfer pricing compliance in various Asia Pacific countries.
Comprising all of 180 pages long excluding appendices, the TP guide certainly has gotten the attention of many businesses and the tax community, both in Malaysia and Singapore.